Positive Psychology

Hi Gang,

I am taking a really fantastic new course on Coursera called “Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science” by the University of Pennsylvania. Taught by Seligman himself! It’s the first class in a specialization in Positive Psychology. It talks about Seligman’s Theory of Happiness. I want to share a link they do, on the PREMA model: Here it is, from a University in Melbourne:


Well-being theory - Relate Melbourne

Good stuff! I’m hoping to convince Nathan to take this specialization, too. I think it could help him in his work, and personally too, because who doesn’t need to sprinkle more positivity in their lives?

When Seligman started out the reigning psychological theories were all about suffering and the avoidance of suffering, such as Psychoanalysis and Behaviorism. Seligman turned that on its head with his theories. Out of Seligman’s ideas grew Cognitive-Behavioral therapies and the like that I grew up with, in my long life of being treated for depression and anxiety. Anyhow, this class talks about the theories and how they came about, and how to apply them to your own life. Good stuff: life-changing stuff.




The Great County Park Project 2021