
I had a breakthrough today, a personal ZAP! of understanding about myself that has totally flipped my mind. I am still getting over a major depressive episode, but today I listened to a podcast that really flipped my everlovin lid and has made me feel just so good. I’d share the podcast, but it’s pretty personal, so just know, dear readers, that I am doing well and am happy.

I got out my lightbox and sit in front of it for an hour every morning. I’m listening to Christmas music (for me that’s therapy), I’m getting out and walking around the neighborhood. I’m knitting for the joy of it and meditating, and treating myself right.

I just needed a few things to start coming out of the fug I was in… the light, the music, the yoga. The visit from my son, visiting family, campfire crackling. All these Hygge things have really helped.

I know next week will be a stressful on for us. I pray for peace.

The virus is so so hard on us, and we hunker down and hunker in and mask up because that’s what we have to do. Because I love you I keep my distance. The holidays this year will have to be Zoom meeting, but that’s ok, because we hold each other in our hearts.


Election Eve


Door County