Election Eve

Well, it’s election eve. The getting here was painful, and I’m quite sure it won’t be finished tomorrow. My anxiety has eased up somehow (I don’t know how). I voted weeks ago. Maybe that’s why. My election day strategy? Well, deep slow breaths for one. Deep self care for another. And pizza in the femme cave tomorrow night while we listen to the results come in.

I do not feel overly confident. Once bitten, twice shy as they say. I felt so certain of the outcome in 2016 and was shocked. Because of that I don’t much pay attention to polls and predictions.

I have people in my family who will be happy and and some who will be unhappy at the outcome. Both sides are represented. I am tired of all the battling in the nation. I want to focus on what unites us. The main thing is, I pray for peace and a healthy and safe transition.

Speaking of what unites us, I just read (well, listened to) the book “What Unites Us” by the TV Journalist Dan Rather. It was such a good book. I love reading good journalism. I do recommend that book to both conservatives and liberals: more may unite us, as Americans, than you might think right now.

So, what are your election day traditions? Are you anxious? Are you excited? What do you hope for?


Election day

