Be The Reason

I love this.  I got this affirmation from the MyStrength program that my insurance made available to me.  Be the reason someone smiles today.  You never know what kind of a day a person is having and you’d be amazed at the impact small acts of kindn…

I love this. I got this affirmation from the MyStrength program that my insurance made available to me. Be the reason someone smiles today. You never know what kind of a day a person is having and you’d be amazed at the impact small acts of kindness can have on a person. When I was a barista I liked to always say something kind to customers: “that’s a lovely scarf.” “I like your earrings!” “Your hair looks beautiful.” “That’s a great tattoo.” The surprised and pleased smiles always made my day, and I know that my little comments may have turned theirs around for them: and who knows, maybe they passed it on to someone else. So I challenge you, readers: when you check out at the grocery store today, compliment the checker. They have a rough and tedious job, and you might totally turn their shift around in their minds. Hoorah!


Aching for Autumn

