Poetry Challenge

Image from Unsplash

Image from Unsplash

My prompt for my poetry class this week (Sharpened Visions - A Poetry Workshop, on Coursera), Was to take a well-known rhyming poem, swipe the rhymes, and build a new poem of your own, keeping the rhymes in order. I had so much fun with this. I decided to go above and beyond. Not only did I swipe the rhymes from one poem, but I also swiped the theme of the poem from an entirely different poem and poet!! Here is your challenge, Constant Readers: Identify both poems; Rhymes, and Theme, and their authors. I’ll check back in a couple of days, and if you haven’t got it yet I’ll give you hints! If you get as tickled by this as I was, try it for yourself! I’d love to see your poems!

Here we go…

In the dark, babe, you shine bright,

When I’m caught in dreams at night.

You’re not there to sleep-closed eye;

Dreams show your perfect symmetry.


There you are, ‘neath star-strewn skies,

That reflects your shadow eyes -

Every hope which I aspire:

To stand in daylight in your fire.


Your dream form outshines every art,

To stay illumined in my heart

You are the rhythm, you the beat -

That dictates to my dancing feet.


Though sometimes dreams can be a chain, 

Confining to my weary brain,

When you appear, within their grasp,

Your shadow form I long to clasp.


When sunbeams fall from sky, like spears,

Alone, I wipe out all my tears,

Because I know at night I’ll see -

The brightened shadow form of thee.


In the dark, babe, you shine bright,

When I’m caught in dreams at night.

You’re not there to sleep-closed eye,

Dreams show your perfect symmetry.


Tyger Night


Busy Larnin’