Pins and Needles

Well, hello CR’s, how are you today? It’s a Tuesday, whoop whoop! (?)

Today I am going to start a new section for my older poetry. I’m going to fight the instinct to work on them, and instead present them as snapshots of the poet I was then. I really wish that therre were dates on them. O well.

This morning I had an epic blood draw, and don’t my veins like to play hide-and-seek every time I go in? Yes! (Instead of Fashion Barbie I’m Pin Cushion Mary. I come with a syringe for Botox and an IV for Migraine cocktails and needles for drawing blood. Comes bundled with Unimpressed Nathan).

Speaking of needles I have just started a new afghan, big fat yarn in Spring colors. I made it extra wide, 192 stitches across, but I’m thinking because of the large needles I’m using, and the fat yarn, it should knit up quickly. I’ll post updates.

Speaking of knitting here is one of my favorite patterns. It’s so cute. I like to make the eyes red, so they look demented. Use any colors you want.


(this is the picture that came with the patterns. Mine are a little more… rustic.)


Abbreviations : k – knit. p – purl. st – stitch. tog-together. st-st – Stocking Stitch (k1row, p1row).  inc— increase. Knit into the front and the back of the stitch

Mouse – Make 1

With white, cast on 10 sts

Purl 1 row

Next : increase into every stitch (20 sts)

Starting with a purl row, st-st 5 rows

Next: k2tog, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog

Purl 1 row

Complete the last 2 rows until 6 sts remain

Draw thread through the remaining stitches and pull tight

Sew down the row ends and stuff to the nose. Leave the bottom open for the tail to be inserted. Make a twisted cord as explained below.

A twisted cord is made by taking a short piece of white yarn. Fasten one end to a static object for example a door handle.  Take the other end of the yarn and twist several times.  Then allow the yarn to fold in half upon itself and it will twist.  Knot the open end to stop the twist from unravelling. Cut to the length desired.

Insert the knotted end into the bottom of the mouse. Secure with stitches and gather the cast on stitches of the mouse to seal it up.

Ears – Make 2

With cream, cast on 8 sts

Draw thread through the stitches and pull tight.

Allow the ear to curl and sew one to either side of the mouse about half way down the body.

Sew two eyes in black, one at either side just in front of the nose.

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Stay Tuned for Updates!


New Section!


Old Poetry Stash Found