International Literacy Day
Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash
Today is International Literacy Day, so I thought it would be fun to talk books. Right now I am reading, for the umpteenth time, the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. I just really wanted to escape into a world of wonder and magic in the time of crazy stress, strain and uncertainty. I love coming home to Hogwarts on a regular basis.
One new author that I have recently discovered is Robert McCammon. I am currently listening to his book Boy’s Life on Audible. It is an AMAZING book, and I highly recommend the audio book, it’s one of the best I have ever listened to. He evokes a sense of place like Ray Bradbury (another favorite), his little town of Zephyr, Alabama just swirls up around you as you listen or read.
As to classic works, I’d have to say my favorite will always be Pride and Predjudice by Jane Austen. It is so witty, and the plot so fine. Mr. Darcy is a character that turns from hateful to admirable in the eyes of Elizabeth Bennet. It is so fun to see them inevitably turn to each other and make a love match. I also love the 1995 BBC production of P&P with Jennifer Ehle as a sassy Elizabeth and the incomparable Colin Firth as a perfectly brooding and proud Darcy. I watch it every year.