Beautiful Videos

Well, hello. This video is marvelous. I love her, she is my spirit animal and I want to be her.

I am busy these days WRITING A NOVEL. Yep, I have always dreamed of doling it and I finally am. I’m doing it as a Coursera course, so I can’t share it here or on sagabox yet, but once it’s done I will share. Will I try to publish? I don ‘t know. I don’t know if it’s good enough to publish, but we’ll see. I’m just happy to be writing it.

There are two kinds of writers. Plotters and Pantsers. Plotters plot out and outline and know where their novels are going. Pantsers write from the seat of their pants, and don’t neccesarily know exactly where their novels are going, sort of let the story unravel. Let the characters dictate the plot. I am definitely a pantser. I have characters, and an idea, and I just start writing. For the class we were forced to write out the idea for our book, and write a logline which is a short statement about the book to draw someone in.

Here is my logline:

Three keys. Two worlds. One woman’s choice.

eh? eh? Does it whet the appetite? Do you want to read more? Stay tuned.

Cheers, Mary

Here’s another beautiful videos. I’m feeling very Hygge and cozy today!



