Morning Magic
No music was ever sweeter than
You, clattering around the bathroom
The squeak of the pipe
And that pattering shower
And I still half asleep
In the bedroom
The everyday magic
Begin once again.
One of my
Leaps to my hip
And makes it known with her expressive
Eyes and curled
That it is time to be up
And where is the food?
Ok, Darlin’
I say,
Here I come.
And it is salmon pate
For two.
I sit before my glowing light
To scare away the SAD,
A magic most powerful
And I shower,
Sluicing down my hair and body
While I pray.
Let them be safe.
Let them be healthy.
Let them be happy.
Let them live with ease.
A cup of tea for ritual.
What will the shape of the day be?
I form it as I go along,
Like a sculptor addressing
His marble.
Tap tap journal
Tap tap knit
Tap tap send a text
And while the individual taps
Often reflect the day before
Each day a slightly new
And time
Shape the day.
My fast ends and there’s
Nutrition magic
To keep my body
Fueled for the day.
Then yoga magic
To address the Goddess within
With prayers of
Breath and orientation.
I reach out my magic
To my loved ones,
On the other end of the wire,
Lionel said,
“I just called to say
I love you”
And I write in my blog,
Sometimes with silk,
Sometimes with blood.
And that is
The morning