I just love it
In the movie “Jerry Maguire”
When the deaf couple
In the elevator sign to each other
Then kiss passionately
And Tom Cruise’s character
Asks Renée Zellweger’s character
What they said.
“You complete me.”
She translates.
Which clearly
Their characters did for each other
Though they couldn’t see it.
“You complete me.”
It was so romantic,
And I thought that’s what I want.
And I thought that’s what I had
With you.
But as I get older, I find that
I don’t really want to complete you…
And I don’t want you to complete me.
I want to roll with you,
Myself, fully complete
Alongside you, not needing me to complete you,
But fully complete in your own right.
That’s what’s really romantic.
You’re complete
I’m complete
We are complete