Writing Excitement
Well, I’ve been doing loads of writing lately, mostly for my classes. I have been posting my assignments here, under my “writing” section. I’m really feeling the ol’ creative juices flowing… I got to keep it coming. I also have been looking into making my writing pay, looking into possible writing JOBS for which I’d get PAID (ha! wouldn’t that be excellent, paid for what I most love to do!), and I already have a couple of irons in the fire. I joined the page “Writers Work” to help me hone my skills and find jobs, and I also joined a page called “Scribophile” which is a place where people can post their creative writing work and get reviews and whatnot. I haven’t posted any of my work yet, need to earn some “karma points” (it’s a whole system of points you earn by reviewing other people’s work before you can post your own. It’s ingenious, honestly, because that way, they ensure that people are contributing to other folks too). So I need to pay my dues and write a lot of reviews before I can post. Not sure what I’ll post yet, Maybe the fictionalization of Hour of Lead. I’m thinking of expanding upon it so that some good reviews would be welcome.
At any rate, I’ve been very activated and motivated lately, which feels good and keeps the shadows at bay. I even wrote a poem the other day! It had been a while since I wrote one.
I will also start taking some courses in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and digital marketing because I think it would shine up my resume for getting some internet writing gigs. There are quite a few classes and specializations about SEO on Coursera. I tell you what, readers, getting that Coursera membership was the smartest money I have ever spent. At least, recently. The writing, the Positive Psychology courses, SEO, and all classes would have cost me a small fortune going to a traditional school. I know that these courses aren’t earning me a degree, but that’s not my aim at this point. I want the knowledge and skills; I don’t need another bachelor’s or Master’s degree.
Hygge Home
These writing things and courses have me excited, cheerful, and achieving, which are good happy hygge feelings. I must be careful not to let the writing and editing completely take over my time, lest I let the housework, crafting, and mindfulness suffer. I also need to exercise and eat properly, remembering all my good intentions to get a little more walking stamina before our trip, which is only two months away. Must enjoy my newfound muse for writing without neglecting the household gods. Must live in body as well as in mind.