Mary's Poetry Room

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Wonderful Life

I just watched my all time favorite movie, It’s A Wonderful Life, and tears are streaking down my face. I’m just a sentimental fool, I guess, but I love George Bailey. As Clarence writes in the cover of Tom Sawyer that he gives George, “No man is a failure who has friends.”

I love you, friends and family.

There have been times in my life when I have been desperately sad, and tried to take my own life, just as George contemplated. I too have been visited by angels of various shapes. This last time, last February and March, Nathan (who is always my angel) decided to get me the cats, and they are angels on four feet. I’m telling you this in all seriousness: they saved my life.

What would life be like if I suddenly didn’t exist? I have a much smaller footprint than George Bailey, that’s for sure, but things would probably be different. Sam alone is worth my existing! Nathan might have become a professor or archeologist, he gave that up to marry me, but look at him now! Emergency Preparedness Safety Manager for Unitypoint-Meriter. He is a great man. Maybe my encouragement and continued devotion to him helped him reach this place. Isn’t it funny how life opens doors.

It’s A Wonderful Life always makes me cry, and my heart grows large. It helps me appreciate my own life. That’s what great art does; Makes you feel larger and lifts you up. Oh, I know there is also great art that disturbs, that frightens, that makes you think darker thoughts (I love Stephen King), but I especially love great art that uplifts, and that includes film, literature, fine arts, theater, dance… all great forms of art. I am so grateful for the creators. When I write my poetry I can sometimes tap into the creative well, and it is exhilarating!

I suppose there are people who don’t like It’s A Wonderful Life, who would dismiss it as sentimental pap, but it is a touchstone in my life. To each their own, yes?

What great art uplifts you?