Mary's Poetry Room

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My beautiful son, Samuel Hugh Bubenzer, is 25 years old. He lives in scenic Olympia, Washington, where he’s been living since he was 19 years old. A self-made man, Sam has had many jobs, from cooking in restaurants to working for the Washington Conservation Corps and is currently working nights at a homeless shelter. I’m so proud of him, and I miss him terribly.

Geared up for hazardous waste duty.

He has so many friends. This is Elle.

Sam had a great time in the Washington Conservation Corps.

Sam is sensitive.

He was a beautiful child.

Sam and his Dad have a special relationship.

Sam loves working with food.

Sam and Gramma Laycock

Sam is so talented!

Sam is a cat person through and Through! Here he is with Max.

Sam feels so happy when he can be outside.

This is my favorite picture of Sam.