Mary's Poetry Room

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Mountain Meditation

Mt. Rainier in Spring


Close your eyes.

Take some deep breaths;

Follow the breath in,

Follow the breath out.

Be still and follow the breath.

After a while picture in your head

The Most Magnificent Mountain.

Maybe it’s a Real Mountain,

Maybe it’s an Imaginary Mountain.

Picture the details:

Soaring Snowcapped Peak,

Sloping Sides,

Trees running up the base.

Get it truly into your mind’s eye.

Now, Move the Mountain into your Body.

Your Head is the Majestic Peak

Your Shoulders and Arms the Sloping Sides

Your Lower Body the Base,

So firmly and deeply rooted,

Deep, so deep in the earth.

Be that Mountain.

Take your time, no need to rush this—

No where you need to be right now,

Nothing else to do.

If you get distracted with thinking and words and plans,

Just say Shh…

Nothing matters now but the Mountain that is You.

The Mountain is Still, and Peaceful.

The Mountain is Majestic, and Unchanging.

The Mountain is Strong, and Resilient.

The Mountain Endures as the seasons change,

The Mountain Stands Firm as weather systems

Come and go, capricious,

Birds come in the Spring

And leave in the Fall.

The Mountain is Eternal.

The Mountain is Changeless.

The Mountain is Immutable.

You are that Mountain.

You are Still, and Strong, and Unchanging;

Even as circumstances change like the seasons,

Even as the weather systems of





And Pain

Blow over you,

You are the Mountain,

Watch them sweep over you,

Like Cirrus Clouds and Thunder Heads,

They come, they go.

The Mountain Abides.

Take the Steadfast Strength

The Resolute Perseverance

The Secure Constancy

Of the Mountain with you

As you go forth into your day.

The Mountain is Always with You,

It has been there for Millions of Years.

